Serverless functions

In HubSpot

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First test :

This result comes from an AJAX call to a Serverless function



Front-end code :

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', e => {

    const resultContainer = document.querySelector('#result-container');

    const callServerLessFunction = async () => {

        const data = await fetch(``)
        if (!data.ok) {
            const errorText = await data.text();
            throw new Error(errorText);
        const json = await data.json();


    document.querySelector('#run-one').addEventListener('click', callServerLessFunction);


Cloud function code

You have to create a new function in the design manager, by clicking on "File" then "new file"

Here is the code for myFunction.js

// Require axios library, to make API requests.

// Should be available on 
// https://{domainName}/_hcms/api/{endpoint-name/path}?portalid={hubId}.
const axios = require('axios');
// Environment variables from your serverless.json
// process.env.globalConfigKey

exports.main = (context, sendResponse) => {
  // your code called when the function is executed

  // context.params
  // context.body
  // context.accountId
  // context.limits

  // secrets created using the CLI are available in the environment variables.
  // process.env.secretName 

  //sendResponse is what you will send back to services hitting your serverless function.
  sendResponse({body: {message:"my response"}, statusCode: 200});

Env and routing

  "runtime": "nodejs12.x",
  "version": "1.0",
  "environment": {},
  "endpoints": {
    "myFunction": {
      "method": "GET",
      "file": "myFunction.js"

To edit the code locally run :

First import the code from the design manager

hs fetch serverless.functions

Upload a function :

hs upload --account=antoine  serverless.functions/myFunction.js  serverless.functions/myFunction.js

When the function is uploaded no need to go in the design manager to re-deploy it, it's done automaticly

To find the name of the account ( here : "antoine" ) refer to the hubspot.config.yml file


Log execution of a given function :

hs logs myFunction  --follow